Letter of Introduction from Kashia Miller, Incoming President

kashia millerI am so inspired by the booming growth here in Nashville, and the wonderful creative community pumping their heart and soul into its ongoing development. When I moved to the Middle Tennessee area in 2006, I had no idea that Nashville would be the city it is now!

Over the course of the three years, I’ve served on the board, AIGA Nashville has become more deliberate with programming, and I intend to continue that legacy. Our goal is to promote the value of design and design professions in our city while offering thoughtful programming that meets the needs of our members and encourages community involvement. Nashville is continually evolving and we want to ensure that we have an accurate pulse on our community and make a greater impact.

The AIGA Nashville board is 100% powered by volunteer AIGA members, and I am honored to serve alongside them. The board is made up of several passionate people, but we are nothing without the support of our creative community. There have been so many people throughout the years that have helped AIGA Nashville, and words cannot express the true level of gratitude we feel for your continued support.

I am thankful for the privilege of serving as your new chapter president, and am looking forward to a fantastic two years together!

Kashia Miller

By aiganashville
Published September 6, 2018
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