Twyla Lambert Clark
Lithographics, Inc.

Like so many others, I followed a songwriter to Nashville for the music business and ended up staying long after the song played out. I’m from Massachusetts but call Nashville home.
Back in the eighties it seemed there was a print company on every corner in Nashville. A newspaper ad led to an entry level position at American Color, a company which I learned was somehow involved in the printing industry. My hope was that if I could just get a foot in the industry I might always be able to find a job. I won that first job working from 4pm to 4am and learned that in a deadline-driven industry working on 2nd shift, there were always opportunities to learn new skills and be promoted into other departments as long as I was willing to work, I mean really work – like 16 hour days.
I’ve worked for six print related companies over the last never-mind-how-many years and the players are still racing to meet deadlines while the technology and software is always changing.
While working as customer service manager at a graphic arts service bureau on Hayes Street called ColorCopy I met Tim Templeton, Tom Ventress, Lynn Vincent, Mary Skinner, Christa Schoenbrodt, David McQuiddy, Kevin Endres and literally hundreds of other graphic designers. There I heard about an occasional gathering called Creative Forum that would bring together graphic designers and pertinent speakers and discussions. I attended once and while a lot of the discussion was over my head, I loved it. It was fascinating to learn details about the process of creativity and my, how these people would go on about fonts and such. I think Creative Forum was where I first met Mary Uhles, Randy & Natasha Tibbott and Lee Lipscomb. I was then and still am in awe of all of these designers and their talent.
I don’t know the details but Creative Forum – or the people involved with it – somehow morphed over the years into a semblance of what is now AIGA; graphic designers getting together to share information and encourage each other. I think that is a wonderful thing and I’ve wanted to be a part of it for as long as I can remember.
Over the years I have attended many events hosted by AIGA: portfolio shows, lectures, movies (HELVETICA), networking events, DISH and ThinkTank; all put on by AIGA volunteers. I always am impressed and come away with new perspectives. I want AIGA to thrive because it keeps life interesting and thoughtful and it’s helped me to make great friends. With my membership and with the help of the company I work for I want to support AIGA in its mission. Lithographics proudly hosted the AIGA Get Out the Vote campaign last year and we look forward to helping more in 2017.
I work for “Litho” as a consultative sales rep which means I share my experience and network. I help designers figure out how to manufacture unique print projects while keeping them on schedule, within budget and the best & most creative they can be. I form partnerships with other vendors who work together to successfully birth awesome and award winning print projects. Some call me an “Idea Developer.” I love creating beautiful print projects and working with the creative’s who design it.
For more information about me please check out the latest issue of the Domtar magazine, Blueline Vol IV and the article called Partners In Print; it talks about how building relationships with printers helps designers do more. At the end of the article if you use the Layar app you’ll see an augmented video of me talking about print and paper.
You can also LinkedIn to me here:
And, finally, the Nashville AIGA chapter now has a “Friends” Advisory committee, which I am on, made up of industry professionals who want to mentor the group to grow and prosper. Their mission is to advise the AIGA volunteer board so that they do not burn out, to help secure corporate & individual sponsorship, and to grow the working professional membership of the chapter.
Call me, let’s be friends. I’ll meet you at AIGA.