Your Invite is on the Way
You should receive an email directly from Slack with information on how to join our chapter account in about 48 hours. If you already have a Slack account elsewhere, you’ll be able to easily add yourself to the AIGA Nashville account as well.
New to Slack? We’ve got you covered! Check out this great article for new Slack Members.
Here are some of AIGA Nashville’s best tips for getting the most out of slack!
Choose a Good Display Name
When asked to join our Slack account, you’ll be prompted for a username and display name to use with our chapter team. For your display name, please use your full name so other community members know who you are.
For example, if your name is John Smith, your display name would be:
John Smith
Choose a secure, easy-to-remember password once you have a username and display name in place.
Download the Slack App
You can use Slack in any modern web browser, or you can download a native application for desktop and mobile directly to your device. The Slack app is currently available for Mac, Windows, and Linux as well as iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone.
Download Slack App
Introduce Yourself
There are lots of people from all over Middle Tennessee joining our Slack workspace every day and we want to get to know each and every one of you. Once you join the workspace, hop into #Introductions and introduce yourself. Where are you from? What’s your day job? What are your secret passions? We want to know everything!
Join Channels
Once you’ve downloaded the Slack app, click “Channels” on the left-hand side and join everything that seems interesting to you. Some channels that you’ll see have a lock icon next to their names. These are open to AIGA Members only.
Interested in joining AIGA? Click here!
Have an idea for a channel? We’d love to hear it! Find Jamie Cox in Slack and let her know. She’d be happy to talk.
Got a Question?
That’s okay – we have a lot of questions, too. If you see a member with an orange AIGA logo next to their name, that means they are a board member. They should be able to answer any question you have, or at least point you in the right direction.
Slack Guidelines
- Code of Conduct: Be nice! We’re all here to learn, contribute, and be a community. Ask questions, be constructive, and exercise an attitude of sharing.
- Username: Recommended username: “firstname.lastname” You can easily change your username here: https://aiganashville.slack.com/account/settings#username
- Profile Picture: Make your profile picture a headshot of you.
- Identifying Board Members: If you see an orange AIGA logo next to someone’s username, they’re on AIGA Nashville’s board. Feel free to ask them questions anytime.
- Introductions: Head over to the #introductions channel and say hello. There’s recommended questions you can answer about yourself.
- Share!: If you see an inspiring project, read an interesting article, or hear about an event that you want to share with the group, go for it. The best place to do so is in the #general channel.
- Getting into Slack: The best way to get into Slack is full immersion. We encourage you to install the app on both your phone and desktop and turn on notifications. Try it for one week and if you hate it, turn notifications off again. No worries.
- Slack No No’s: Please don’t use include ‘@channel’ in your messages. It will send a notification to all members of the group.